Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Recycle Your Clothes!

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Support our youth programs by donating stylish goods!

Revolving Museum invites you to the second Dirty Dog Exchange Fashion Sale!

  Marlecka wears ALL donated fashions from our first Dirty Dog Exchange.  Photography and Styling: Sopheak Sam (Assisted by Lily Mangkhalakhili)

Marlecka wears ALL donated fashions from our first Dirty Dog Exchange.
Photography and Styling: Sopheak Sam (Assisted by Lily Mangkhalakhili)

Clean out your closet, basement, garage, and at the same time give away your unwanted items for a great cause!

Revolving Museum's Dirty Dog Exchange is a fashion sale made possible through your contributions and donations. Every quarter, we transform our space into a thrift store for one day of fun-filled shopping for the community. Donations of clothing, fashion accessories, small furniture, doo-dads and trinkets are accepted. We will accept donations all year round to build a constant inventory of goods. Dirty Dog Exchange is set to happen late June as part of the City of Lowell's Sustainability Week, further details to come!

Revolving Museum, Inc. is a 501(c)3 non profit arts organization. We offer quality youth arts programming for 150 people annually. These programs make it possible for participants to become inspired and inspiring catalysts for positive social change and to engage constructively in Lowell’s civic dialogue.

The sales of your donation will greatly support our organization. We are very grateful for all donations.

To donate or for donation details, please contact:

To learn more about our educational programs and what your donations will be going towards, visit our website.

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The Revolving Museum builds community by using the power of art
to inspire creative expression and social change.

978-YES-ARTS | 978-937-2787

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