Thursday, October 1, 2009

Fwd: News from Greater Lowell Workforce Investment Board

September 2009
Welcome to the Greater Lowell Workforce Investment Board

September was an exciting month for the GLWIB, as we welcomed 5 new members to the Board. In the picture below, our new members are, from left, Chris Dick, Director of Business Development and Marketing, Trinity EMS; John Haas, Business Development Manager, Nobis Engineering; Susan Gath Koerber, President, Gath Insurance; Rasy An, Vice President, Pailin Enterprises and Bobby Tugbiyele, Recruiter, Kelly Services Inc. The GLWIB held a new member orientation meeting on September 4th, and is looking forward to the participation of our new members and expanding private sector input into our workforce planning and decision-making processes.

New Members

The GLWIB held its Quarterly WIB meeting on September 15th at the Holiday Inn Tewksbury. John Regan, Executive Vice President, Associated Industries of Massachusetts (AIM), was the guest speaker. Mr. Regan (below at left) gave a presentation on AIM and recent developments in regards to the Massachusetts economy.

WIB Chair, Kevin Coughlin (right) addresses Members at the Quarterly

  • October 15, 2009 - Emerging Sectors Committee Kickoff Meeting, 9:00 am, at Nobis Engineering
  • October 22, 2009 - Executive Board Meeting, 9:00 am, Greater Lowell Workforce Investment Board
  • October 27, 2009 - Workforce Issues Committee, 9:00 am, Greater Lowell Workforce Investment Board
  • October 29, 2009 - Employer Appreciation Breakfast, 8:00-10:00 am
    Holiday Inn, Tewksbury
Jabil Career Center

Jabil Jabil Circuit, Inc. like many other US companies, has struggled during the recent economic crisis which resulted in the closure of its local plant in North Billerica and job loss for several hundred employees.

Unlike many other companies, however, Jabil decided to do something different prior to plant closure. Led by North Billerica Plant Manager Bill Frake, Jabil took on the challenge of not only helping their employees with the transition to unemployment and applying for benefits, but one step further - helping them obtain new employment.

Bill Frake, working in conjunction with Michael McQuaid, Director of the Career Center of Lowell (CCL) and Ken Messina, Manager of Rapid Response Services for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Division of Career Services, instituted a career center satellite office at Jabil to help employees with unemployment services and assistance in job search and placement.

Rapid Response is an outplacement program designed to respond to major layoffs and plant closings by quickly coordinating services and providing immediate aid to affected companies and their workers. Working in collaboration with the Career Center of Lowell early on in the closure process, Rapid Response was able to create a 'stand-alone' center at the Jabil location with three dedicated CCL staff members on-site.

The story, however, doesn't end there - in addition to creation of the satellite office to help with UI assistance, CCL and Rapid Response worked with Bill and his team at Jabil to smooth the way for another local manufacturing company to conduct career fairs on-site at Jabil to fill current job openings. Through the combined dedication and efforts of Jabil, several local companies, CCL and Rapid Response Services, many Jabil employees have obtained new jobs.

Jabil Circuit is unique in many ways - not only for its strong commitment to their employees, but also for supporting Bill Frake in his quest to ensure a better way for each and every person impacted by the plant closure. In today's environment, job loss is often treated as common place -- but as Jabil has demonstrated by taking a proactive approach and working with private and public sector partners, it can be an opportunity to help employees jump-start the next phase of their careers.

This effort has not gone unnoticed -- Jabil has received recognition from a variety of sources, including a recent invitation from Cornell University to serve as a case-study for a course in workforce development and to serve as a model for Rapid Response teams across the country. This is a testament not only to Jabil, but to all Jabil employees, including Bill Frake, for his innovative approach and commitment to making a difference.

For more information on Jabil, the Career Center of Lowell and Rapid Response Services, visit the GLWIB website at

WIB Member Corner

Jeanne Osborn

Title: President and CEO
Organization: Greater Lowell Chamber of Commerce
Phone: (978) 459-8154

Jeanne has been the President of the Greater Lowell Chamber of Commerce for eight years, and has been a member of the GLWIB for four years. She received her BS and MS from Rivier College in Nashua, NH. She joined the GLWIB to network and to stay knowledgeable with the business community. With her strong educational and business background, Jeanne brings a wealth of experience to GLWIB initiatives.

Organization Description:
The Greater Lowell Chamber of Commerce is a regional organization serving the communities of Billerica, Dracut, Lowell, Chelmsford, Tewksbury, Tyngsborough, Westford as well as other communities. The goal of the Chamber is to provide a significant unified voice in shaping the future growth of the business communities which it serves and to provide a vehicle through which individuals can work to improve the area's business climate and quality of life.

The role of the Chamber is to Promote, Network and Advocate for its members. The Chamber can help to promote your business through its Cable TV Show, Annual Member Directory, Annual Business Expo, sponsorships, web page and links, openings and mixers. To see a list of events, you can view the events calendar of the Chamber website.

The Chamber is proud to be the voice of businesses for the region. Representing the views of over 850 members, the Chamber works actively with local, state and federal officials. With the Government Relations Committee, the Chamber has volunteer advocates that routinely touch base with local state senators and representatives' offices. A day is set aside each April to visit the State House to share two or three areas of focus for the Chamber to articulate its agenda at the start of the new budget year. The Greater Lowell Chamber of Commerce advocates and keeps members informed by monitoring upcoming legislation and its potential impact on members. A Small Business subcommittee has been formed to directly address the needs of small business chamber members (5 employees or less) which accounts for 75% of members.

What are the current projects the Chamber is working on?
The Chamber recently put on their 14th Annual Business-to-Business Expo on September 24th at the Radisson Hotel in Chelmsford Ma. The Business Expo is a business event that showcases the services and products of its members. This event is for Chamber members and the public. The Chamber also sponsors a Women's Group called WISE (Women Inspiring Success & Empowerment). The next WISE event will be held on October 8th 5-7 pm, at the Barnes & Noble in downtown Lowell for a Hank Philippi Ryan book signing, followed by a visit to Café Paradiso. The Chamber conducts outreach to the Greater Lowell communities by participating in Town Business Days. To find out about other events or programs please visit the Chamber's website. Also, to learn more about becoming a member, please visit the member's section on the Chamber's website.
Issue: 6
In This Issue
Spotlight Events
Jabil Career Center
WIB Member Corner
Summer Youth Program
Emerging Sectors Committee
Regional Innovation Grant
Summer Youth Program Update

The GLWIB is pleased to learn that six youth were hired after completion of the summer program and wish to acknowledge our Greater Lowell community and municipal partners for their ongoing commitment to youth in the area.

The Spring 2009 MCAS Results were released at the beginning of September and Lowell High School experienced its highest success rate of students passing both English and Math. Congratulations to Lowell High School and the supporting organizations whose combined efforts have resulted in this achievement.

On October 29th, 2009 the GLWIB Connecting Activities Program will host their 3rd Annual Employer Appreciation Breakfast at the Holiday Inn Tewksbury from 8:00 - 10:00 A.M. to recognize local companies who continuously provide employment opportunities for youth in our communities.

Board Expands Focus on Emerging Sectors

The GLWIB moves forward in support of the goals and objectives outlined in its Strategic Plan through creation of a core committee focused on emerging sectors. This new committee will focus on advanced manufacturing, life sciences, health-care and clean energy. The Committee, comprised of private sector and educational partners, will focus on aligning of our strategy with current and future labor market challenges.

The Emerging Sectors Committee Kick-Off meeting will be held on October 15, 2009 at Nobis Engineering in Lowell. Comments or suggestions from our partners are welcomed. Please contact Gail Brown, GLWIB, Senior Program Manager for additional information.
Call (978) 937-9816

Regional Innovation Grant
Manufacturing Sector

The Greater Lowell Workforce Investment Board, in collaboration with its partners, the Merrimack Valley Workforce Investment Board, the Career Center of Lowell, ValleyWorks in Lawrence and the New Hampshire Workforce Opportunity Council, is pleased to announce that the manufacturing asset mapping activity in support of the Regional Strategic Plan is well underway.

The next phase of the project will include conducting a survey of local manufacturing companies. In addition, the core team, including representatives from Mt. Auburn Associates, an external consulting firm, will be conducting in-person interviews with Manufacturing companies in the Merrimack Valley - ranging from smaller, traditional manufacturers to larger companies specializing in emerging manufacturing technologies.

If you would like to participate in this effort and help ensure the RIG Strategic Plan accurately represents the business development and workforce needs of your company, please contact Gail Brown, Senior Program Manager at the GLWIB for more information.
Call (978) 937-9816

Oct 23- "Step It Up"

Presenter:Bobby Tugbiyele, Recruiter, Kelly Services, of Chelmsford. He is also a member of the Greater Lowell Workforce Investment Board.
For many job seekers, finding the right opportunity in a competitive market can be overwhelming. Bobby will discuss motivation, job searching and career opportunities. Takes place at 10 AM at the Career Center of Lowell, 18 John St., Lowell. Free, but registration recommended at (978) 458-2503

Latest Job and Unemployment Estimates
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Editor: Shaun McCarthy

Barbara O'Neil Kevin Coughlin
Director Chair
Greater Lowell Workforce Investment Board

Greater Lowell Workforce Investment Board 107 Merrimack St Lowell MA 01850

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