Friday, October 1, 2010

Fall Business Mixer

Dear Friends,


The Greater Lowell Chamber of Commerce’s Downtown Lowell Business Committee invites you to the

Fall Downtown Business Mixer to be held on Wednesday October 13th from 5:30 – 7:00 at Dharma Buns, on Market St.   Come mix and meet fellow downtown business owners and professionals, and hear of the fall activities and events planned for the downtown area for the upcoming months: October, November and December


Where:  Dharma Buns –  26 Market St.

When:  Wednesday October 13th

Time:  5:30pm  – 7:00pm


Best regards,

The Downtown Lowell Business Committee




George B. Villaras

ASSISTANT VICE president | Financial risk MANAGEMENT

1 Tremont Place | Lowell, MA 01854 | 978.323.4866 (ph) | 978.323.4867 (fx) |

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