Tuesday, October 26, 2010

THIS WEEK: Vote for LOWELL in the Mayors' Arts Challenge!

Sent by: Cultural Organization of Lowell
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Lowell Mayor Jim Milinazzo showcases the City's art, culture and history in the Mayors' Arts Challenge, produced by Lowell Telecommunications Corporation (LTC).
Lowell Mayor Jim Milinazzo showcases the City's art, culture and history in the Mayors' Arts Challenge, produced by Lowell Telecommunications Corporation (LTC).

Help the City of Lowell win
the Mayors' Arts Challenge!

Sixteen municipal leaders from across the Commonwealth rose to the Massachusetts Cultural Council's Mayors' Arts Challenge with powerful testimonials on how arts and culture make their cities better places to live, work, and visit.

Here's how YOU can help
VOTE FOR LOWELL by signing in to YouTube or Google and clicking the "Like" thumbs-up button. PLEASE NOTE: you must be signed in for your votes to be tabulated by the site.

Once voting closes, the three videos with the most "Likes" on the Mayors' Arts Challenge YouTube Channel will be reviewed by an in-house panel at the Massachusetts Cultural Council (MCC). The video that speaks most enthusiastically to the arts and culture of a particular city will be determined the winner. MCC will announce the winner of the Mayors' Arts Challenge in that mayor's town soon thereafter.

The winning video will also be showcased at the State House in February 2011 as part of the Commonwealth Awards, the state's highest honors in arts and culture. It will also be shown by the national advocacy group Americans for the Arts at its annual presentation at the U.S. Conference of Mayors.

Don't just "Like" our video - spread the word!
Let's show the Commonwealth - and the nation - what a great place Lowell is for art and culture!

Ready to cast your vote?


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