Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The Lowell Plan - UMass Lowell Downtown Initiative





August 25, 2009



Dear GLCC member:


The University of Massachusetts Lowell and The Lowell Plan, Inc. welcome your participation in The Lowell Plan - UMass Lowell Downtown Initiative: The Inn & Conference Center (ICC) and Beyond.


As the University begins operating the ICC, we want to assess its economic and social impact in Lowell. This will help us to maximize opportunities for a high quality-of-life experience for everyone living in, working in, or visiting the area, including the ICC student-residents and entire campus community.


The GLCC supported the University’s outreach efforts during the planning phase of the ICC project and will continue to be involved with implementation of the Downtown Initiative as a link to downtown businesses and part of the feedback loop on campus-downtown relations.


We want to hear your thoughts and ideas about the ICC and learn how your business is being impacted by student life downtown.  To do this we would like to have a series of short conversations with you between late August and December of this year. The interviews will be conducted by a UMass Lowell graduate student under supervision of a faculty member. All discussions will remain confidential, however, the quantitative and qualitative data will be used in a final report that will be made public. No individuals or business information will be identified by name in the report.


If you are interested in speaking with us, please contact Paul Marion, UMass Lowell’s executive director of Community and Cultural Affairs, at 978-934-3107 or paul_marion@uml.edu, and a member of the Downtown Initiative team will set up a convenient time for a visit.  We will come to you!




Jim Cook, Executive Director, The Lowell Plan, Inc.

Jacqueline Moloney, Executive Vice Chancellor, UMass Lowell




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