Thursday, December 31, 2009

A Revolving Appeal

Sent by: The Revolving Museum
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Strike the Pose



The Vanguardian Artists raised funds for their program by auctioning their Winter Fashion Line at their first runway show.

How did it go?



They did great!

Their mentors are jazzed!

See the video......

(Close the video splash by clicking outside its white border .)

Meanwhile, the tough got going...


We had to be tough this year. We cut costs by 50% while delivering the same programs, maintaining our pace of public art installations for the community, and tripling youth presence at Western Avenue Studios.






...we are amazing!



...we're not too proud to beg.


Please donate now!

Your contributions make up half our budget.

and we'd like you to tell other little birdies...




that Anne Ruthman photography is the best. She's the coolest!


And remember, you have until midnight tonight to make your tax deductible contribution for 2009!

Wishing you a prosperous and peaceful 2010.

The Revolving Museum Team

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