Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Fwd: Improve Your Grantwriting Skills and MORE at Upcoming Workshops!

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From: Cultural Organization of Lowell <lowellculture@lowellculture.pmailus.com>
Date: Tue, Feb 16, 2010 at 5:20 PM
Subject: Improve Your Grantwriting Skills and MORE at Upcoming Workshops!
To: blipchitz@comteam.org

Sent by: Cultural Organization of Lowell
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The Cultural Organization of Lowell (COOL)

"Building Relationships"
Workshops for Cultural Organizations, Festival Organizers, and the Arts Community

Tuesday evenings, 6-8:30PM | March 9, 23 & 30
Lowell National Historical Park Headquarters
67 Kirk Street, Lowell

Building strong relationships is essential to organizing a successful event and planning for organizational growth. Whether you're recruiting volunteers, connecting with grant-makers and sponsors, or trying to build audience, a strong network of supporters is critical to building and expanding your base. Curriculum for these targeted technical assistance workshops was created through valuable feedback many of you provided us last year. Classes will focus on best practices and will incorporate applied learning and exercises.
Registration is now taking place!

Tuesday, March 9
"Sharpen Your Grantwriting Skills"
*Get crucial updates on the application process for 2010
*Hone your writing skills through hands-on exercises
*Receive personlized, professional feedback on your current grant proposal during a built-in evaluation period

Tuesday, March 23
"Sponsorship Outreach & Volunteer Recruitment"
*Learn the top five best practices when approaching a new funder and how to cultivate lasting relationships
*Establish a core volunteer team or grow your existing one

Tuesday, March 30
"Marketing & Publicity with a Focus on Social Media"
*Hear more about social media and its impact on businesses, non-profits, and organizations of every size
*Determine if utilizing social media is right for you or your organization
*Perfect your marketing collateral and press packets


Space is limited to 15 participants per workshop.
Deadline to register is Friday, March 5.
Cost: $15 per session / $40 for all three*

For registration and detailed information, contact Suzzanne Cromwell at scromwell@lowellma.gov or call 978-674-1483.


*If the cost of these workshops is a hardship for you or your organization, please contact Suzzanne Cromwell at COOL.

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