Thursday, January 14, 2010

Fwd: Upcoming Events in Greater Lowell

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Date: Thu, Jan 14, 2010 at 2:58 PM
Subject: Upcoming Events in Greater Lowell

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January 14, 2010

"An intellectual may be defined as a man who speaks with general authority about a subject on which he has no particular competence." -- William Kristol

"The Joshua Tree" Performs at Winterfest

Tonight! Award-winning Documentary "MINE" at Pollard Library

Linda McCluskey at the Whistler House Museum of Art

Collection of Marc Bission & Dei Xhrist at 119 Gallery

Indie Film Screenings at Life Alive Cafe

Barbara Gagel at Ayer Lofts Gallery

"Heartstrings from Saint Petersburg"
Upcoming at the Brush Art Gallery and Studios

Success For Jeanne D'Arc's Art at Tremont Yard

Upcoming at the University Gallery at UMass Lowell

Calls to Artists

COOL Cultural E-Blast is emailed every week by the Cultural Organization of Lowell in conjunction with the Lowell Cultural Roundtable.

*Send new items to

*Deadlines: To insure your posting is in the coming week's e-blast, we must receive it by the previous Friday.

*To subscribe, send an email to The text should read, "I'd like to subscribe to the COOL cultural e-blast."

*To unsubscribe, scroll down to the bottom of this e-newsletter and use the "SecureUnsubscribe" link.

*If there is an upcoming event that you would like to put on the COOL calendar, , please email LZ Nunn at to obtain a password.

E-Blast Staff:

Publisher: LZ Nunn,

Editor: Suzzanne Cromwell,

"The Joshua Tree" Performs at Winterfest

The City of Lowell is pleased to announce the 10th Annual Lowell Winterfest from Friday, February 5 - Saturday, February 6, taking place at various indoor and outdoor locations throughout the downtown area! Back again this year is The Joshua Tree, Boston's premier U2 tribute band. Don't miss them at Winterfest's Club Celsius on Fri., Feb. 5 at 9pm!

Get the complete Winterfest schedule at

Winterfest activities include:
* The ever popular National Human Dog Sled Competition
* "Mittens and Museum Madness" activities for kids
* The Glacier Gallery Artisans Market
* The North Bowl Soup Competition
* Outdoor ice skating
* Live music

Call for Human Dog Sled Competitors
Get your human dog sled team together and join in the fun -- only 6 team members are needed! Deadline for entry is Mon. Jan. 25. For complete details and entry forms, visit
Please continue to visit the official website for event details and program updates.

Tonight! Award-winning Documentary "MINE" at Pollard Library

Both joy and sadness depicted in acclaimed documentary "MINE."
Both joy and sadness depicted in acclaimed documentary "MINE."

Premiering tonight at Lowell's Pollard Memorial Library, "MINE" is the powerful story about the essential bond between humans and animals told against the backdrop of one of the worst natural disasters in U.S. history: Hurrican Katrina.

The 2009 Audience Award Winner at the renowned South by Southwest Film Festival in Austin, Texas, "MINE" explores how tragedy intensifies the bond between animals and humans, and is told from the perspective of original guardians, rescuers, and adoptive parents of the voiceless victims of Katrina. These individuals are all connected by two things -- the tragic aftermath of Katrina and their love of animals. Don't miss seeing this acclaimed film that comes to the Pollard as part of their monthlyThursday Independent Film Night.

Learn more about the film and view a trailer for "MINE" at

Thur., Jan. 14, 6:30pm, Pollard Memorial Library, 401 Merrimack Street, Lowell. Free admission!

For more information, visit


Linda McCluskey at the Whistler House Museum of Art

January 9 - February 20 at Whistler House Museum of Art

Hot Cider served in the Parker Gallery during Winterfest on Sat., Feb. 6, 12 to 4pm

Originally from the Lowell area, Linda McCluskey is an American painter living and painting in Paris. On a return trip to Lowell, the beauty of downtown overwhelmed her with its colors and magnificent architecture and she began to paint it using her unique perspective play. For more information please visit us at Gallery hours Wednesday - Saturday 11 am to 4pm.

Collection of Marc Bission & Dei Xhrist at 119 Gallery

Tuesday - Saturday, Jan. 12 - Feb. 13
"House of 1000 dust catchers," Items and Ephemera from the collection of Marc Bisson and Dei Xhrist.
Reception: January 16, 6-9pm

Sat., Jan. 16, 8pm
New England Phonographers Union / The New England Phonographers Union is a loose confederation of sound artists and field recordists who work with untreated and unprocessed recordings of the rich and varied sounds around them. Through the exploration and documentation of urban and rural public spaces, the Union captures auditory nuggets otherwise lost in the ether and re-interprets the particularity of individual places as a newly idealized sonic environment.

Indie Film Screenings at Life Alive Cafe

Agricultural Film Series comes to Lowell's Life Alive Urban Oasis and Organic Cafe!

The fourth Sunday of the month at 7pm, January - March 2010
Life Alive Urban Oasis & Organic Cafe,
194 Middle Street, Lowell
Free admission!

Join us on the following Sunday nights for a series of documentaries and film shorts focused on healthy eating, sustainability, and delicious food! Presented by Life Alive Cafe, New Entry Sustainable Farming Project, WorldPEAS CSA, and the Lowell Film Collaborative.

Sun., January 24, 7pm: "Fresh"
Sun., February 28, 7pm: "Good Food Film Shorts from the Media That Matters Film Festival"
Sun., March 28, 7pm: "Good Food"

For more information, visit

Barbara Gagel at Ayer Lofts Gallery

"Silent Circles: The Healing"

Exhibition dates: February 6 - 26
Opening reception: Saturday, February 6, 7-9pm
Gallery hours: Thursday & Friday 4-7pm, Saturday & Sunday, 11am-4pm

Artist Barbara Gagel, a transplanted Lowell artist who now resides in Santa Fe, New Mexico, has been taking a personal two year journey into healing. After the long illness and death of her husband, the symbolic imagery she had been using as metaphors of the spirit did not fit into her new form of image making. A more abstract language was needed to give power to this new way of seeing. Consumed by the imagery of floating circles of light, she is now working with fused wax to create a new version of her "metaphysical" world.

For more information, visit Ayer Lofts Gallery at

"Heartstrings from Saint Petersburg"

Andover Chamber Music presents "Heartstrings from Saint Petersburg," their annual Valentine concert, with a program of all-Russian, Romantic music.

Sun. Feb. 7, 4pm, West Parish Church, 129 Reservation Road, Andover, MA

For more information, visit

Program includes:
Myaskovsky: Sonata for cello and piano
Prokofiev: Sonata for flute and piano
Overture on Hebrew Themes, Op. 34
Rachmaninoff: Elegiac Piano Trio # 1

Performed by:
Randall Hodgkinson, piano
Adrian Daurov, cello
Galina Zhadnova, violin
Todd Palmer, clarinet
Dimitri Murrath, viola
Julie Scolnik, flute

Upcoming at the Brush Art Gallery and Studios

EXTINCT! Endangered Species and Habitats

This compelling exhibition featuring artworks that focus attention on endangered species and their shrinking habitats. EXTINCT! exhibit and its related educational events is a collaboration by the Brush Gallery & Artists Studios (A Brush With History, Inc.), Lowell and SMFA/School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, in partnership with Tufts University.

Exhibition dates: January 17 - February 21
Artists reception: Sat., Jan. 23, 2-4pm (Snow date: January 24)
Location: Brush Gallery & Artists Studios, 256 Market Street, Lowell
Curated by: SMFA faculty Erica H. Adams and MFA candidate John Guy Petruzzi

Wildlife Program
Sat., Feb. 6, 11am
(Snow: check website). You're invited by
Massachusetts Audubon Society and Lowell Parks and Conservation Trust to meet a variety of native wildlife at the Brush Gallery. From 8-10am (location TBA), join them for their annual animal tracking event and discover where wildlife goes in winter.

Gallery Slide Talks
Sat., Jan. 30, 2-4pm (snow dates on website)
Fascinating lecture/presentations blend art and science. EXTINCT! speakers are:

* Acclaimed science writer Deborah Cramer, currently a visiting scholar at MIT's Earth System Initiative. Her two books, Great Waters: An Atlantic Passage (W.W. Norton 2001) and Smithsonian Ocean: Our Water Our World (2008), are now being adapted for use in schools. Nobel Prize winner Al Gore wrote of Great Waters, "I urge everyone to read this book, pass on its teachings, and act on its message." Cramer has lectured about her writing and the sea on both sides of the Atlantic, at science and maritime museums, at major environmental and teachers' organizations, and at undergraduate and graduate schools in oceanography and journalism.

* Photographer Constance Sawyer (SMFA student) whose work with scientists at Salton Sea helped to create photographs in this exhibit.

* Ecologist and bird expert Sabrina Hepburn is an ecologist with TRC Environmental, Lowell, MA.

The Brush Gallery's Art of Nature Program is a series of ecologically-themed exhibitions that utilize art to focus attention on the environment, recycling, animal rights, conservation, waste-management and more.

Visit for more information.


Success For Jeanne D'Arc's Art at Tremont Yard

Artist Don Ouellette featured at Art at Tremont Yard.
Artist Don Ouellette featured at Art at Tremont Yard.

Jeanne D'Arc Credit Union in partnership with the Arts League of Lowell (ALL), hosted its first Art at Tremont Yard open house, art exhibition, on January 12. The exhibition was held in the Credit Union's Merrimack Room, located at their corporate headquarters at 1 Tremont Place, Lowell, MA. The Cultural Organization of Lowell (COOL) also helped to promote the event.

The exhibit featured the work of artist Don Ouellette of Lowell, whose oil and watercolor painting capture the beauty of the New England landscape. Don's works were on display and can be purchased by contacting Don directly at The event, the first of several scheduled for the upcoming year, was well attended and a notable celebration of Lowell's thriving art community.

For more information, visit

Upcoming at the University Gallery at UMass Lowell

Photographs by Zsuzsi Matolcsy,
Curated by Arno Rafael Minkkinen, UML Professor of Photography

Lost in Pittsburgh documents a four-year journey by the artist into the lives of young adults who have chosen to live outside of the mainstream of society in the sub-cultural group often referred to as the "Punkers." The photographs are from a point of view that is sympathetic to the subject's perspective in order to gain insight and understanding of youth living in this distinctive culture. Matolcsy attempts to capture within the work the metaphors and themes in life that are universal to all.

Exhibition dates: January 25 - February 19
Artists reception: Wed, Feb 3, 3 - 5 p.m.; beginning with an artist talk in O'Leary 222
Location: University Gallery at UMass Lowell, 71 Wilder Street.
Hours: Mon - Thurs 11 - 4, Fri 9 - 2; Sat by appt.

Calls to Artists

Acton Memorial Library

The Arts Committee of the Acton Memorial Library invites Massachusetts artists to submit slides for consideration for upcoming exhibitions in the meeting room gallery. Committee will review work for one person shows and will set the schedule for July 2010 - June 2011

Various media including painting, drawing, printmaking, illustration, photography, textiles and mixed media are eligible. Sculptural work will be considered for exhibit on the second floor of the library.

Please submit the following materials :
1) CD with 8 images. Each digital image must be 4 inches at its smallest dimension, saved at 300 DPI resolution, saved in JPG format. Please title file names with artist name and title of work .
2)An image list with titles, media and dimensions 3)An artist's statement 4)A resume 5)An SASE for return of materials

Submit materials to:
Arts Committee
c/o Acton Memorial Library
486 Main Street
Acton, MA 01720

Submissions must be received by March 1, 2010


ALL Arts Gallery, Lowell

Juried exhibit runs June 26, 2010 - July 18, 2010

Eligibility: Work, when mounted for gallery presentation, must hang on the wall and may be no longer 20" on its longest side. All entries must have been completed after 2008.

Submission: A completed entry form, a CD, a printout of image(s) and a check, money order or information to cover entry fees and a business size SASE envelope for notification. Entries must arrive no later than April 2, 2010. Notification of acceptance will go out no later than April 23, 2010. All entries must be sent to:
c/o Van Gogh's Gear
200 Middle Street

There will be an entry fee of $25 for up to four entries.

For complete information regarding entry and to download the prospectus and entry form, check for news about the show or see last year's show visit us at :


Lowell Memorial Auditorium,

Merrimack Repertory Theatre,

The Bridge Review: Merrimack Valley Culture,

Website for Lowell artists,

Art community chronicle,

Arts League of Lowell,

Western Avenue Studios,

Ayer Lofts,

The Brush Art Gallery and Studios,

The Image Theater,

Whistler House Museum of Art,

American Textile History Museum,

For a fuller listing of links see the COOL website,

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