Friday, September 23, 2011

FW: Lowell Undiscovered: A weekend of emerging arts in Lowell



From: Cultural Organization of Lowell []
Sent: Friday, September 23, 2011 6:50 AM
To: Bill Lipchitz
Subject: Lowell Undiscovered: A weekend of emerging arts in Lowell


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A Celebration of Emerging Arts in Lowell

Thursday October 6th at 5pm: Ribbon Cutting for new Kerouac Exhibit
at Lowell National Historic Park Visitor Center 246 Market St.

Attend the unveiling of this exhibit honoring Lowell's own Jack Kerouac. To capitalize on the artist’s connection to the city, UMass Lowell worked with the National Park Service to create a Jack Kerouac Orientation Exhibit for the Park's Visitor Center downtown. Reception will follow.

Thursday October 6th 6:30-8:30pm: Young Angel Midnight Launch Party
at Appleton Mills, 219 Jackson Street

Celebrate the innovative art and artists of Lowell at the launch party for Young Angel Midnight: An Emerging Generation in the Arts in Lowell. Art, food, music, and wine!

Copies of Young Angel Midnight will be available at the discounted price of $20.00. This full-color anthology, produced by Bootstrap Productions and commissioned by COOL, features the artwork by some of Lowell’s most gifted emerging artists and local arts organizations. This 200-page book featuring full-color reproductions also includes a previously unpublished poem by Jack Kerouac.

Make a night of it with special promotions at various downtown restaurants when you present your anthology copy. For more details, please visit the COOL website or anthology Facebook page.

October 6th-10th The 2011 Lowell Celebrates Kerouac Festival

Opening Night event on Wednesday Oct. 6th 8pm at Cappy's Copper Kettle with Alan Crane, Kim Jennings, Jon McAuliffe, Colleen Nichols and Andrew Greene, 245 Central Street.

The festival continues throughout the weekend with lectures, readings, walking and pub tours, and music! Keynote Speaker: Kerouac Today--The Continuing Legacy, Dr. Todd Tietchen 1:30pm on Saturday Oct. 8th at the National Park Visitors Center, 246 Market Street.

For the entire festival schedule, please visit Lowell Celebrates Kerouac.

Thank you to these generous sponsors for their support of Lowell Undiscovered and the Discover Lowell series.
Image credit: Smokestacks and Steeples (detail) by Emily Schroer


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