Friday, March 11, 2011

FW: Monthly News from Lowell Small Business Assistance Center


From: Stacie Hargis [] On Behalf Of Stacie Hargis []
Sent: Friday, March 11, 2011 5:35 PM
To: Bill Lipchitz
Subject: Monthly News from Lowell Small Business Assistance Center

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Lowell Small Business Assistance Center
LSBAC Monthly Newsletter

March 2011

Keeping you updated and informed.



Center Photo



I would like to introduce myself as the new Director of the Lowell Small Business Assistance Center. As you may be aware, Russell Smith retired in January after many dedicated and productive years here at the Center. He will be missed greatly by many of the community members he collaborated with and small businesses he helped. I eagerly look forward to working with you, getting to know your business and building upon his superlative work.


Each month I will send out an E-news to update you about what is going on at the Center and any important resources or information that will be helpful to you and your business. I also want to hear from you! How can we further assist you?


Please feel free to contact us about what you think would be most helpful for your business. For example, what trainings or workshops would you like to see us hold? What resources have you utilized here in the Center that has helped you start or grow your business?


I look forward to our road ahead and the bright future that it holds. Please feel free to contact me with any questions, comments or suggestions.




Stacie Hargis


Direct: 978-322-8401



Don't forget! Take advantage of the Small Business Health Care Tax Credit:

Eligibility Rules

·         Providing health care coverage. A qualifying employer must cover at least 50 percent of the cost of health care coverage for some of its workers based on the single rate.

·         Firm size. A qualifying employer must have less than the equivalent of 25 full-time workers (for example, an employer with fewer than 50 half-time workers may be eligible).

·         Average annual wage. A qualifying employer must pay average annual wages below $50,000.

·         Both taxable (for profit) and tax-exempt firms qualify.


Amount of Credit

·         Maximum Amount. The credit is worth up to 35 percent of a small business' premium costs in 2010 (25% for tax-exempt employers). On Jan. 1, 2014, this rate increases to 50 percent (35 percent for tax-exempt employers). 

·         Phase-out. The credit phases out gradually for firms with average wages between $25,000 and $50,000 and for firms with the equivalent of between 10 and 25 full-time workers. 
(Internal Revenue Service Website
, March 7, 2011)


Find out if you qualify in three easy steps through this IRS worksheet: 


Find out more here: Internal Revenue Service Website


Free Second Look Tax Review Program

HR Block is running a program where they will take a second look at your taxes for free.
Please contact HR Block directly for more information. or 800-HRBLOCK to find the nearest one to you.





How do you envision Lowell in 2020?

The Emergent Generation: Creating that much more to like about Lowell


For Lowell to continue to grow as a vibrant welcoming city it is crucial that we engage the emergent generation of 22-35 year-olds, currently living or working in the city, in a dialogue about the hopes and expectations they have for this community.  In an effort to hear the voices of this generation, the Innovative Cities Committee is hosting a working dinner to: provide an opportunity give input about the city's strengths and weaknesses

generate ideas about how to continue to improve the quality of life for the Lowell community and further strengthen social networks within and between this generation and all those living and working in the city


This 'Conversation' will be held on Thursday, March 24th from 6 to 9 at Tepthida Khmer (115 Chelmsford St.   A three course dinner featuring traditional Cambodian food will be provided, but there are a limited number of spaces for this initial conversation.  To access our (very short and painless) application, please click: HERE, otherwise you may not be able to attend.


For all other questions, concerns or comments, please email Derek at  

Find out what tax law changes have happened and how they affect your business.


Want your Restaurant to be in a Cookbook?

The Cultural Organization of Lowell is looking for any Lowell restaurant that would like to contribute a recipe to their upcoming Lowell Cookbook. If you are interested in participating or would like to know more, please contact Kay Ransdell at   



University Impact on Downtown

Recently The Lowell Plan and UMass Lowell released a report

outlining the economic impact the university has had on the

downtown and its role in sustaining a vibrant community.

According to this Downtown Initiative Report:

·         91 percent of faculty and staff reported visiting

downtown approximately eight times each academic

year and spending an estimated $30 on each visit;

·         82 percent of students reported visiting downtown

in the past year and 30 percent said they go downtown

once a week or more;

·         A sample group of commuter and resident students

who tracked expenditures in Spring 2010 reported

spending $37.10 weekly in Lowell.


Learn more about this report here:



Tell Us

Do you have a business related announcement you would like to share? Do you offer a business service that you think would benefit other businesses? Please send your announcements directly to  


Upcoming Seminars

The Center's Seminars are an opportunity to address more specific needs. Space is limited, so please contact Terry Williams at or 978-322-8401 to sign up. There is no charge. 


Monday March 21:

                  6 pm - 8 pm
             Tax Talk in Spanish


Monday April 4:

 6 pm - 8 pm
 Developing a Marketing Plan


Monday April 11:

6 pm - 8 pm
Using Accounting to Unlock Profitability


Thursday April 14:

6 pm - 8 pm
Using Accounting to Unlock Profitability


Monday April 25:

6 pm - 8 pm
Using Social Media for Your Business



Upcoming Right Start Trainings

The Center's Right Start Entrepreneurship Training Program provides a solid educational foundation on which to build your business.  Intro to Business, Marketing, Personal Selling, Bookkeeping and Taxes, Financing, and Business Law in six - three hour sessions. Practical, flexible, taught by small business professionals...what you learn could spell the difference between success and failure.


Right Start Training are on Wenesdays from 6 pm - 9 pm.


Space is limited, so please contact Terry Williams at or 978-322-8401 to sign up.

Cost is $90 for all six in the series. (There are opportunities for waived fee, please ask).


March 16: Bookkeeping and Taxes

March 23: Finance

March 30: Business Law

April 6:     Introduction to Business

April 13:   Marketing

April 20:   Sales

April 27:   Bookkeeping and Taxes

The mission of the Lowell Small Business Assistance Center is to provide entrepreneurs from ethnically and economically diverse groups with the education, tools and resources needed to create, sustain or expand viable small businesses.
In This Issue
Upcoming Seminars and Trainings
Quick Links

The Lowell Small Business Assistance Center
is a one-stop business assistance center that provides one-on-one counseling, entrepreneurship training, and a variety of seminars.


for more information.

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Lowell Small Business Assistance Center | 88 Middle Street, Room 202 | Lowell | MA | 01852

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